SCF improves the payment chain through technology in SaaS modality and connection to a financing cloud that optimizes the CASH of our clients.

SCF improves the payment chain through technology in SaaS modality and connection to a financing cloud that optimizes the CASH of our clients.


We improve the B2B payment relationship and allow the direct participation of different financing models within the reach of even small and medium-sized companies.

Efficiency is generated by reducing the number of participants in the payment chain, opening the market.
Our solution allows rate auctions in real time direct to financial and non-traditional entities, allowing to obtain the best financing rates either confirming or factoring.

How do we do it?

Digital transformation of the treasury area.

State-of-the-art platform for financing.

High performance confirming service through a dedicated team.


  • Process automation
  • Better financing conditions
  • Dashboards in real time
  • Better capital control
  • Independence and better investment alternatives